Friday, September 9, 2016

Getting ready

This is my last login to Facebook before my "Ironman" triathon on Sunday at Cedar Point, Ohio. Starting at 7:00am on September 11, I will swim 2.5 miles in Lake Erie, then bike 112 miles in northern Ohio, and then run 26.2 miles back to Cedar Point. This should take me about 16 hours to do. Some people will be doing this race to beat other people, but since this is my first race of this distance, I just want to finish it. Doing something this big not only requires physical endurance; it also requires a mental fortitude that I am not sure I have. So, by sharing this information with you, I will be less likely to quit because I know I will have "spectators" who will want me to finish. I will be wearing a GPS tracker during the bike and run portions of the race. You may follow my real-time position on Sunday by visiting this website: . I think I can do this, but would appreciate your prayers to keep me safe. I view this as a way to get me out of my comfort zone and grow personally through the challenge. I wish you all a nice, relaxing weekend that does not include as much effort as what I will be doing!

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