Thursday, September 1, 2016

10 day countdown

TEN DAYS until my Ironman!! I am ready and super excited. I want to tell everyone but am trying not to, because it really isn't that important to other people...just me. I have been wondering whether or not my signing up for this has been to prove something to myself--that I am strong, that I am still young, that I am worth something. Wanting to prove these things to myself has troubled me, because it might indicate my inner sense of self worth is low. But I have recently come to realize that trying to PROVE myself is not why I am doing this race. Instead, I am trying to IMPROVE myself, expand myself, do something I have never done before. This is a sign that my sense of self is healthy, not unhealthy. I know I am strong, I am still young, I have worth. I know these things without having to do this race. So bring it on! I am ready to grow through this experience, no matter what happens.

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