Saturday, September 17, 2016

Air Force 10K

Race: Air Force Marathon 10K
Date: September 17, 2016
Location: Dayton, OH
Time: 56:20
Overall Rank: X out of XX
Age Group Rank: X out of X
Results: http:

I ran with Kendra the whole time. My goal was not to set a record but just be her companion. I let her set the pace unless I felt her slowing. Then I ran a stride ahead of her, always with an ear to her heavy breathing. There was one spot at mile 4 where she sped up to a 8:00 min/mile pace or faster. I kept up, but worried she would burn out. She told me later that she saw a couple girls in her age group she wanted to beat. And she did. But mile 5 was a big challenge for her. She started hyperventilating and I helped her get back to normal breathing by telling her to breath out all the way when she exhaled. At the last 0.2 miles she started sprinting. I could have kept her pace but didn't want to be sore in the morning so she beat me by 4 seconds. Good going, girl! She came in 2nd in her age group, a field of 78 kids. My time was not a personal best, but it was still in the top 10% of 2000 participants.

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