Friday, June 3, 2016

IM bike course

My wife and others have asked if the bike course for the ironman I will do in September is going to be hilly. The event is in Ohio near Lake Erie so I figured it wouldn't be. However, I never really looked at the elevation profile so I just guessed and said "Nah, it's mostly flat."

Today I checked out the 111.5-mile course. The elevation gain is 1,429 feet. That's 12.8 feet per mile. There are definitely some hills, but they don't look too bad. For reference, the MS150 ride I sometimes do includes 4,114 feet of elevation gain on the first day over a distance of 74.7 miles. That's 55.1 feet per mile. The second day on the MS150 is 2,007 feet of elevation gain over 63.4 miles, or 31.7 feet per mile. Anyway I look at it, the ironman bike course will be 2.5 times easier than the MS150. Good news!

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