Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 5K

Race: Gingerbread Man Memorial Day 5K

Date: May 31, 2021

Location: Keystone State Park, New Alexandria, Pa.

Time: 24:06

Overall Rank: 21 out of 106

Age Group Rank: 4 out of 9


I headed into this race with some confidence. I've been training hard all week with some challenging swims, bikes, and runs, so I felt strong. I also tapered the day before, so my legs were fresh. The weather was perfect (temps in the mid 50s). The route took us around Keystone Lake with a little jog into the campground. I started out pacing Jim Silvis who is in my age group and often finishes ahead of me. However, he was running with his child (or two), and so I passed him pretty early. Then I steadily passed people until about mile 2.5 when a high school kid with a Latrobe jacket seemed to be going my speed. Assuming I had a constant speed (not necessarily), he seemed to speed up on the downhills and flats and slow down on the uphill segments. One time I started to pass him on an uphill and I said "keep it up, Latrobe!" and he took my challenge and sprinted ahead. Good job, kid.

I worked hard throughout the race. It wasn't comfortable. I knew it would only last a short time, so I kept my spirits up and did my best. My pace of 7:46 per mile appears to be in my top five 5K races. I expected this would net me a medal but it didn't. The third place finisher in my age group finished the race more than a minute faster than I. Maybe I'll be able to do that someday, but I doubt it.



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