Saturday, August 29, 2020

Middle finger to COVID-19

I have 11 months to train for my third Ironman race. I'm starting this week. Of course, the pandemic changed my plans to do it this year. If the worst happens again, and there are no races in 2021, then I'll figure out a way to do an Ironman virtually. I didn't consider a virtual race this summer because doing it on my own just didn't seem to push me forward in any way. I felt motivated to do my first Ironman in 2016 to see if I could do it (I did it!). I felt motivated to do my second Ironman in 2018 to see if I could do it faster (I didn't). I signed up for my third in 2020 to see if I could do a challenging course with lots of hills. Despite there being a lot of hills around my home, I didn't think a virtual race this summer would really accomplish anything. Perhaps I was wrong. I think doing a virtual race of 2.4 mile swim plus 112 miles on the bike plus a 26.2 run, done in sequence on the same day by myself, sounds like a different kind of challenge that I will do in 2021 if the real race at Lake Placid gets cancelled again. Doing it virtually won't give me the finish line experience of a real race, but it would give me a sense of accomplishing something which the pandemic can't take away. So here's my middle finger to COVID-19! You're not going to stop me anymore. 

By the way, here's a photo of Dan's cousin, me, Geoff, and Dan after the Presque Isle sprint triathlon in 2013. This is what showed up on my Facebook newsfeed and prompted me to write this post.

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