Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 2018 update

August totals: 18 miles swimming + 338 miles biking + 75 miles running = 437 miles. Well, it's time to reckon with the truth about my Ironman preparedness. Compared to 2016 when I did my first one, I have a deficit for the year in the amount of 373 miles of swimming, biking, and running. This represents 16% of my total. In August alone, I have a deficit of 25 miles, all of which is running. This is entirely Kennywood's fault. On July 31, the inertial forces of a roller coaster caused me to smash my knee into the metal seat in front of me. My knee is 90% better now, but pain and a forced limp caused me to limit my mileage. Well, the reason doesn't matter much, now does it? I feel unprepared for the run segment next month at my race, and since I should be entering my taper soon (the period before a race when an athlete decreases volume, allowing the body to recuperate), I shouldn't do too many more long runs. Ironman is as much a mental endeavor as it is physical. I'll have to work on my confidence in September!

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