Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February review

My Ironman training has gone well this month. I really lost motivation in 2017 and January of this year, but I've got it back...big time. I've been doing almost daily workouts for four weeks now. My mileage: Swimming = 11 miles, Biking = 137 miles, Running = 38 miles, for a total of 186 miles. This is 49% more miles than in 2016 when I was training for my last Ironman race. Of course, quality of training is better than quantity, so I'm following the advice of my workout plan by staying within certain heart rate zones. I'm also trying to improve run efficiency by increasing my cadence, and my swim efficiency by using more bilateral breathing. There are about 5 weeks left before my swim league's championship, so in March I plan to work on some bad habits I've developed, and do extra weight lifting sessions. I'm having a great time being physical! It's a great stress reliever. You should try it out if you haven't gotten into this habit! That is all.

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