Monday, May 16, 2016

Time to Start Getting Serious

I've got my first ironman triathlon coming up in 17 weeks. I am concerned that I won't have enough time to ramp up my training so I have to start now. I am slowly returning to health after a bad cold, so I don't feel like jumping in with full thrusters today, but I have to do something. I've gotten the Herrick training plan back out and I've printed week 17's workouts. Today is supposed to be a 45-min run and a 40-min swim. I can't do a swim due to an eye infection, so maybe I'll get to the run this afternoon. Yes, yes, I will. I am worried about overdoing it while being ill, but I am well enough to run and it might be helpful. In place of the swim, I will do some lifting for 40 min.

I have re-checked my hotel reservations for the IM. I reserved a room with 2 queen sized beds, so that would be enough for either Dan or Shannan and Kendra if one or more of them decides to go with me. However, we can't all stay together, so Dan might have to be on his own.

I should let Karen and Jim know the date so they might come see me.

I am promising myself better nutrition from now on, too. I have bought a multivitamin and will start taking it tonight.

I have some new running buddies on campus and a new riding group near my neighborhood. I must join them consistently to keep this fun. Plus, weekends or evenings with Dan if we can work it out.

Now that I have a weekly plan, I need to look for opportunities to do smaller races and/or long bike rides. This will help keep me enthused for all those long hours I'm about to dedicate to this.

For now, let's assume my weekly schedule will go something like this:
MON run and swim
TUES run and bike (maybe with evening group?)
WED swim and weights
THURS long run (maybe with campus friends?)
FRI swim and bike
SAT weights
SUN long bike and weights

I will still have to play this by ear, given family commitments.

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