Friday, August 16, 2013

Ostrich Uproar 5K

Race: 5K run
Date: 16 August 2013
Location: Chicago, IL
Time: 24:20
Overall Rank: 19 out of 40

This was a small race with about 40 participants. I came in 19th place. My competitors were all my professional peers; it took place during the annual conference of the American Ornithologists' Union. Apparently, people who study birds for a living run quite fast! I went out too quick and burned out by mile 2. The person who came in second was a college kid attending the conference for the first time. He said he would have come in first if he hadn't stopped to vomit during the race. Too funny!

When I mapped the distance, it appears to have been shorter than 5K. Instead, it was 2.94 miles, which gives me a running pace of about 8:16 min/mile.
This is the turn-around point of the 5K run in Chicago. We started downtown near the tallest building.

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