Sunday, February 17, 2013

AMYMSA Swim Meet

Race: Masters Swim Meet (scy)
Date: February 17, 2012
Location: Cranberry Township, Pa.

Event #1: 100-yard freestyle
Time: 1:07.87
Age Group Rank: 4 out of 4
This is 0.07 seconds slower than my best time, so this is great. At the 50-yard mark I decided to pull back the accelerator a bit so that I would have enough fuel to get through the next three events. This seems unneccessary to me now.

Event #2: 25-backstroke
Time: 16.95 seconds
Age Group Rank: 4 out of 4
This beat my personal best by about 0.4 seconds. My friends tell me I started late, and I know I didn't do much of a dive. A sore trapezius muscle has restricted my neck movement and I had to be cautious at the start. So an even faster time is in my future.

Event #3: 50-yard freestyle
Time: 29.86 seconds
Age Group Rank: 4 out of 4
This was two tenths of a second off my personal best. I am absolutely tickled to have broken the 30-sec threshold for a second time. I took only five breaths during the whole swim. I wonder what else I can do to get faster. Improving my start and turn will shave off another 2 seconds, but what then? I'll worry about that after I improve my start and turn!

Event #4: 200-yard Individual Medley
Time: 2:56.89
Age Group Rank: 4 out of 4
I did great, considering I have never competed in this event before. The butterfly segment felt easy but I had a lousy transition to backstroke. I started to feel just a little fatigue creep in during the backstroke, but it did not concern me. I was starting to breathe hard by the end of the backstroke and I was worried that during the breaststroke phase I would start to inhale water (I tend to do that), but I only did that once and maybe because I was so worried about it, I was ready for it and didn't let it bother me. At this point I think I was well ahead of everyone in my heat except Carol, and we were neck-and-neck. She pulled ahead by half a length at the start of the freestyle segment and I spent the rest of the race trying to catch up. I almost did! That bit of competition was good because it kept my mind off the fact that I was running out of energy. I didn't notice I was spent until I was out of the water and had to sit down for a minute to catch my breath and make sure I wouldn't faint.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

AMYMSA Swim Meet

Race: Masters Swim Meet (scy)
Date: February 3, 2013
Location: Franklin, Pa.

I am elated to have done two events today that I had never done before: 200 butterfly and 200 backstroke. Let me set the plot. Frankin, Pa. is 2 hours from home and I figured I would be antsy the entire drive. But I wasn't. At the pool I swam a 500-yard warmup prior to the start of the meet. It felt easy and fast. I got out of the lane pool and spent time in the separate warmup pool to keep warm, all the while I was talking with someone from another team. Still not nervous. Then I realized they had opened up a sprint lane and I wanted to do a practice dive. It was perfect. My first event, the 200-yard butterfly would be in about 15 minutes. I ate a package of fruit snacks and drank some water. This was not because I was nervous; rather, I hadn't eaten anything in a couple hours and I wanted a little boost of sugar for the impending great feat of swimming that I thought might just kill me. Yes, now I was nervous. But I was only kidding about the dying part. I knew I wouldn't die. I just wanted to make a good effort on this swim without having mini-disasters like goggle failure or muscle cramps spoil my initial attempt at this incredibly grueling goal. The 200-yard butterfly is viewed as the toughest event in Master's swimming (though plenty of people do it).

Event #1: 200-yard Butterfly
Time: 3:30.42
Age Group Rank: 2 out of 2

My dive at the start of the 200 butterfly looks good but I lift my left leg up, causing me to plunge too steeply into the water.

My water entry started out well but doesn't look so good now.
The first 100 yards was soooo easy. I can't believe it! My spilt times show I completed the first 50 yards in 41.19 seconds and the second 50 yards in 47.88 seconds. Maybe I found this easy because I really can swim these shorter distances harder. My 50-fly and 100-fly swims are indeed faster than the pace I was putting forth, but of course that is part of the strategy to go a little slower so you can last longer. My third 50 yards took 57.43 seconds to complete, and my fourth 50-yard segment took 1:03.92. Obviously, I was unable to maintain the pace I had started with, and by that last 50 yards I had terrible form and was struggling to bring my arms out of the water. But I didn't care one bit. I did the 200-fly. I finished, and I didn't have to hang on to the wall at any point. I didn't swallow water, my goggles worked great, and no muscle cramps. All my teammates were cheering me on and it felt good (Dan deserves special mention because he swam this event simply to keep me on pace and support me).

Event #2: 200-yard backstroke
Time: 3:07.91
Age Group Rank: 3 out of 3

This event was fairly late in the meet, so I had plenty of time to recover from the fly. My backstroke start was poor (but I don't practice it, so no surprise), but my stroke was strong and efficient. It felt leisurely, in fact. I was holding down my stroke rate to conserve energy and this seems to have worked well. My split times were much more equal: 44.86, 46.57, 51.10, and 45.38. I definitely sped up on that last 50 yards because Kim was in the lane next to me. Kim and I had spoken briefly before the race and we talked about how I would beat her, but not by a lot. Therefore, I was quite challenged to see that she was keeping up with me for the whole swim. I did not want her to beat me, so I sped up as fast as I could on the last 25 yards. I actually thought I beat her by half a body length, but I must not have punched the wall as well as she did. She beat me by a third of a second. She was pleased and grateful that I had provided a challenge to beat--in a way similar to what Dan had done for me on the 200-fly. It always ends well, doesn't it? I beat my seed time by 15 seconds, so i am happy with this swim. However, I need much more experience with the timing of my turns. Sometimes I turned too soon and sometimes too late. In fact there was one turn where I flipped over long before I was at the wall, so I immediately flipped back on my back to take another stroke. That would have disqualified me if any official was watching. Please don't tell!

Event #3: 25-yard butterfly
Time: 14.76 seconds
Age Group Rank: 2 out of 2

Why not more butterfly? I had a great dive and dolphin kicked for quite a distance. My dolphin kick needs work, but today it seemed to get me to where I wanted to go. I then did butterfly strokes as fast and strong as I could and I felt I was doing my best work. My time was 0.05 seconds faster than my personal best. Despite it breaking a record for me, I thought I was going to break that record by a greater amount. Next time I am sure I will!

To sum, I had a great, great meet. Friendships there are part of it, and my performances are the other part. Happy.