Monday, October 31, 2016

October update

October fitness totals: 9 miles swimming + 0 miles biking + 3 miles running + 6 miles walking = 17 miles. Ha!! What a sloth I've been. I got busy at work and took the recovery from my ironman quite seriously. I plan to ramp this up over the next few months while I figure out what races to do next summer.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

AMYMSA Edinboro

Race: Masters swim meet
Date: October 16, 2016
Location: Edinboro, PA

500 free: swam in 7:15.73. This was about 11 seconds off my fastest time, and I'm ok with that. It's a good start to my swim season and I feel I can lower that to an even 7:00 with practice.

25 fly: I swam this in 18.66 seconds, which is ridiculously slow. I messed up on the dive, which really matters on a short swim like this. I laughed it off.

50 free: My time was 29.65, a little more than a second off my best time. Again, this is an ok time for me given it is the start of the season. I can brush up on my dive and turn and get this down to my fastest time in a few months. Today I had a breathing plan, too, but I forgot to execute it during the swim. I took 0 breaths in the first length and then 4 in the second. If I even this out, I can maybe swim faster during the second length.

100 breast: I swam this in 1:23.58, which was about 5 seconds slower than my personal best. The swim felt good except for my pull-outs at each wall. I don't usually have a bad turn so it just wasn't in the cards today. A faster swimmer complimented my stroke, so I am pleased. There were 25 people who did this event and only 4 of them were faster than me.