Sunday, October 25, 2015


Race: Masters Swim Meet
Date: October 25, 2015
Location: Greensburg, PA
Overall Rank: X out of XX
Age Group Rank: X out of X
Results: http:

50-Backstroke: I wasn't excited to be at this swim meet because I knew I was not in top condition. I didn't want to see how bad I would be. My 50-back featured a turn that sent me to the pool bottom (I tried not to push off from the bottom, but I dragged my feet). Despite this, my swim didn't turn out too bad and I snapped out of my funk.

50-Fly: This went really well. I might concentrate a little more on my turnover rate, but I completed this race without even being out of breath.

25-Free: I hardly ever do 25-yard races but I wanted something easy this meet. I came close to a personal best today.

100-IM: My fly took me to the wall fairly fast, but then I messed up my turn. I ended up on my chest and took a freestyle stroke until I remembered I was supposed to be doing backstroke. I don't know why I got confused. I had played over the event for several minutes before this race to review what I had to do. Anyway, I briefly got discouraged from my mistake, skipping a full breatstroke pull-out, but I recovered and started speeding. I gained a lot on my opponents during the freestyle at the end, but my final time was still a couple seconds too slow.

I look forward to the next meet. I've got this now.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pumpkin Chase 5K

Race: Pumpkin Chase 5K
Date: October 17, 2015
Location: Wilmerding, PA
Time: 25:17
Overall Rank: X out of XX
Age Group Rank: 2 out of X
Results: http:

I pretty much knew after the first mile that this would be a tough run. I was more out of breath than normal. Had a good time with Dan, though, and we ended up being the second and third place winners overall. (Small race = not many fast runners)