Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wilmerding Pumpkin Chase 5k

Race: 5k run
Date: 26 October 2013
Location: Wilmerding, PA
Time: 25:57
Overall Rank: 11 out of XX
Age Group Rank: 3 out of X

Another run in 34 degree temps, but it was a beautiful morning otherwise, and I dressed warm enough for it. I decided to speed down the first hill and got tired by the first mile marker. In fact, I kind of got bored. I had started at the front of the group and maintained a position toward the front, so there were only 5 people ahead of me, spaced widely apart. By the end of the race, another 5 people passed me so I ended in 11th place. I don't think I slowed my pace, but I may have. Having so few people in front might have led me to revert to a slower pace since it was kind of like a regular run rather than a race. The 8:22 mile/min pace is good, but I've gone faster than that several times before. In fact, I was 33 seconds slower this year compared to the same race last year. I don't care that much about this shortfall; I have barely trained for anything in the past two months.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

AMYMSA Swim Meet

Race: Masters Swim Meet
Date: 20 October 2013
Location: Indiana, PA

Second swim meet of the season. I felt great, even though I haven't been doing a lot of training in the pool lately.

Event #1: 200 freestyle
New personal best of 2:38.11. This beats my old personal best of 2:38.45 I set in April 2013. This was a great swim. It felt perfect. I shattered my seed time, which I always set as my personal best so I know immediately if I have set a new record. I made a mistake this time, though. I submitted a seed time for the 200-free based on the 200-IM, so I did not shatter my old record by as much as I initially thought. Oh well, it's still a new PB.

Event #2: 50 backstroke
I swam this in 38.49, missing my personal best by about two seconds. I was still tired from the 200 free, and I misjudged the wall and failed to do a good turn.

Event #3: 50 butterfly
This went pretty effortlessly. I swam in 33.17, which was just a half-second away from my personal best of 32.43. I could have sped up my stroke rate and gone faster.

Event #4: 100 Individual Medley
I swam this in 1:15.24 which bested my previous time by 0.67 second. I was pretty tired by this time but this felt good. I was breathing really hard after I got out of the pool, so I know I did my best.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Penguins 6.6K Run

Race: 6.6K run
Date: 6 October 2013
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Time: 34:52
Overall Rank: 535 out of 3051
Age Group Rank: 39 out of 167 (top 23%)

Oddly, with a 8:30 min/mile pace I landed in the top 23% of men in my age group (39 out of 167). I don't think I've ever placed so well with a pace like that. It was a good pace, but it is far from that of a top runner.

The run was fun until the end when there is a hill and I was going faster than normal because I was trying to keep up with a guy who I was having a conversation with. I very slowly got dropped as the finish line approached. Good bye, new friend! Good bye....

Penguins 6.6k run in downtown Pittsburgh