Sunday, March 4, 2012

AMYMSA Swim Meet

Race: Masters Swim Meet (scy)
Date: March 4, 2012
Location: Pittsburgh, Pa.

I did four events: (1) 500-free in 7:27.50, which beat my old record set last October by 22 seconds. Ha! This was the most fun I've had in a while, as I was neck-to-neck with the guy in the adjacent lane for the whole race. And then I gave it everything I had and beat him in the last 25 yards. He finished in 7:29.  Age Group Rank: 3 out of 3.

(2) 50-free in 30.37 seconds, which beat my old record of 30.60 seconds. I wanted to break the 30-second barrier but I'll take the incremental improvement and break it next time. Age Group Rank: 5 out of 5.

(3) 100-breast in 1:29.40. I failed to break my old record of 1:27.70. Age Group Rank: 2 out of 2.

(4) 25-back in 17.37 seconds. I had not done this event before so I have no old time to compare. This was another race where my lane neighbor and I were swimming at the same pace; in fact, we tied. Age Group Rank: 3 out of 3.

Duquesne University's pool seems really old and in poor shape. I was mildly disappointed to see this. I'm surprised a university would have a pool in worse shape than most of the YMCAs where we typically compete. My next swim meet is Chapionships at Clarion University at the end of March. Maybe they'll have a better pool...